Faber Press, Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 19th May 1980. Dorothy Faber is listed as the agent for this company. The last filing (Admin Dissolution For Annual Report) for this company was 26th August 1994. Dorothy Faber, Richard D Faber and Daisy Faber were officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameFaber Press, Inc.
Company AgentFaber, Dorothy
Company StatusInactive
Date Filed19 May 1980 (44 years, 10 months ago)
Entity Number670510
FEI/EIN Number10-4142978
Entity TypeFlorida Profit Corporation

Last Event

DescriptionAdmin Dissolution For Annual Report
Date Filed26 August 1994 (30 years, 7 months ago)


PTFaber, Dorothy
1974-6th Ave., S.E.
Vero Beach, FL 32960
VPFaber, Richard D
1055-9th Square
Vero Beach, FL 32960
SFaber, Daisy
1055 9th Square
Vero Beach, FL 32960

Principal Address

Address740-14th Street
Vero Bch., FL 32960
Same ZipDownload List4,563 active companies have a 32960 zip code

Agent Address

Address1974-6th Ave., S.E.
Vero Beach, FL 32962

Mailing Address

Address740-14th Street
Vero Beach, FL 32960