Kaashif (Khaleeq A.) Masjid At Large, Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 17th May 1979. Khaleeq A Kaashif is listed as the agent for this non-profit. The last filing (Involuntarily Dissolved) for this non-profit was 16th December 1981. Khaleeq A Kaashif, Anita H Kaashif and Nellie Flynn were officers of this non-profit.

Non-Profit Data

Non-Profit NameKaashif (Khaleeq A.) Masjid At Large, Inc.
Non-Profit AgentKaashif, Khaleeq A
Non-Profit StatusInactive
Date Filed17 May 1979 (45 years, 10 months ago)
Entity Number747232
Entity TypeFlorida Not For Profit Corporation

Last Event

DescriptionInvoluntarily Dissolved
Date Filed16 December 1981 (43 years, 3 months ago)


PDKaashif, Khaleeq A
2782 Palmdale St
Jacksonville, FL
SDKaashif, Anita H
2782 Palmdale St
Jacksonville, FL
TDFlynn, Nellie
2782 Palmdale St
Jacksonville, FL

Principal Address

Address2782 Palmdale St
Jacksonville, FL 32208
Same ZipDownload List2,609 active companies have a 32208 zip code

Agent Address

Address2782 Palmdale St
Jacksonville, FL