Dairymen, Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 5th May 1982. Ct Corporation System is listed as the agent for this non-profit. The last filing (Reinstatement) for this non-profit was 15th May 1984. J.E. Mueller, Buckey Jones, William Higginbotham and 3 others were officers of this non-profit.

Non-Profit Data

Non-Profit NameDairymen, Inc.
Non-Profit AgentCt Corporation System
Non-Profit StatusInactive
Date Filed5 May 1982 (42 years, 11 months ago)
Entity Number791131
FEI/EIN Number61-0674677
Entity TypeFlorida Not For Profit Corporation

Last Event

Date Filed15 May 1984 (40 years, 10 months ago)


ASMueller, J.E.
10140 Linn Station Rd.
Louisville,, KY
PJones, Buckey
Rural Route 2, Box 131C
Smithdale,, MS
VPDHigginbotham, William
Rural Routh 3, Box 385
Washington,, GA
TDJamison, Glen
Route 1, Box 533
Bonnes, Mill, VA 24065
DMurphy, Aubrey J.
R R 1
Starr, SC
ASBean, Thomas
10140 Linn Station Rd.
Louisville, KY 40223

Principal Address

Address10140 Linn Station Rd
Louisville, KY 40223

Agent Address

Address1200 S. Pine Island Road
Plantation, FL 33324