Diet Center, Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 15th March 1978. Pat Gilbert is listed as the agent for this company. The last filing (Withdrawal) for this company was 2nd October 1985. Michael Ferguson, Sybil Ferguson, Roger Ferguson and 1 other were officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameDiet Center, Inc.
Company AgentGilbert, Pat
Company StatusInactive
Date Filed15 March 1978 (47 years ago)
Entity Number840209
FEI/EIN Number82-0301480
Entity TypeForeign Profit Corporation

Last Event

Date Filed2 October 1985 (39 years, 5 months ago)


VDFerguson, Michael
600 Taurus Dr
Rexburg, ID
STDFerguson, Sybil
401 Maple
Rexburg, ID
PDFerguson, Roger
401 Maple
Rexburg, ID
VClements, Neil
Rt 1, Box 194
Rexburd, ID

Principal Address

Address220 South 2Nd, West
P. O. Box 160
Rexburg, ID 83440