PAE Communications Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 14th October 1980. C T Corporation System is listed as the agent for this company. The last filing (Withdrawal) for this company was 1st July 1985. Edward A Shay, Richard L Smith, Martin L Lehrer and 1 other were officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NamePAE Communications Inc.
Company AgentC T Corporation System
Company StatusInactive
Date Filed14 October 1980 (44 years, 5 months ago)
Entity Number847196
FEI/EIN Number39-1300203
Entity TypeForeign Profit Corporation

Last Event

Date Filed1 July 1985 (39 years, 9 months ago)


PDShay, Edward A
634 S June
Los Angeles, CA 0
STDSmith, Richard L
242 Cedarview
Clarmont, CA 0
DLehrer, Martin L
1623 Greenfield Ave
Los Angeles, CA 0
VDHoward, Neuman
1735 Hilliard
San Marino, CA 0

Principal Address

Address1111 West Sixth Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017