Ocean Air Helicopter, Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 5th November 1982. Joseph M Esq Fleming is listed as the agent for this company. The last filing (Involuntarily Dissolved) for this company was 14th November 1986. Vernon W Iii Daley, Erik Debourbon, Patricia Thiel and 1 other were officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameOcean Air Helicopter, Inc.
Company AgentFleming, Joseph M Esq
Company StatusInactive
Date Filed5 November 1982 (42 years, 4 months ago)
Entity NumberG10517
FEI/EIN Number59-2237211
Entity TypeFlorida Profit Corporation

Last Event

DescriptionInvoluntarily Dissolved
Date Filed14 November 1986 (38 years, 4 months ago)


VDaley, Vernon W Iii
2144A White Pine Cir
W Palm Beach, FL 00000
DPVDebourbon, Erik
445 Lantana Road
Lantana, FL
STThiel, Patricia
6198 Forest Hill Blv 104
W Palm Beach, FL 00000
DDebourbon, Charles E
496 North Lake Way
Palm Beach, FL 00000

Principal Address

Address445 Lantana Road
P. O. Box 8085
Lantana, FL 33465
Same ZipDownload List21 active companies have a 33465 zip code

Agent Address

Address50 Cocoanut Row
Palm Beach, FL