Rabbit Factories, Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 9th May 1983. Ray Sharer is listed as the agent for this company. The last filing (Involuntarily Dissolved) for this company was 21st November 1984. Ray Sharer and Thuman Dunham were officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameRabbit Factories, Inc.
Company AgentSharer, Ray
Company StatusInactive
Date Filed9 May 1983 (41 years, 7 months ago)
Entity NumberG37410
Entity TypeFlorida Profit Corporation

Last Event

DescriptionInvoluntarily Dissolved
Date Filed21 November 1984 (40 years ago)


DSharer, Ray
102 Little Grove
N Ft. Myers, FL
DDunham, Thuman
102 Little Grove
N Ft. Myers, FL

Principal Address

Address% Ray Sharer
2155 Andrea Lane Se
Ft. Myers, FL 33908
Same ZipDownload List5,143 active companies have a 33908 zip code

Agent Address

Address2155 Andrea Lane Se
Ft. Myers, FL 33908