Abarca Auto Repairs, Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 12th April 1985. Laurentino Bohorquez is listed as the agent for this company. The last filing (Admin Dissolution For Annual Report) for this company was 11th October 1991. Laurentino Bohorquez, Maria R. Bohorquez and David Bohorquez were officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameAbarca Auto Repairs, Inc.
Company AgentBohorquez, Laurentino
Company StatusInactive
Date Filed12 April 1985 (39 years, 11 months ago)
Entity NumberH52079
FEI/EIN Number59-2530546
Entity TypeFlorida Profit Corporation

Last Event

DescriptionAdmin Dissolution For Annual Report
Date Filed11 October 1991 (33 years, 5 months ago)


PDBohorquez, Laurentino
2112 S.W. 56th Avenue
Hollywood, FL
DBohorquez, Maria R.
2112 S.W. 56th Avenue
Hollywood, FL
DBohorquez, David
2112 S.W. 56th Avenue
Hollywood, FL

Principal Address

Address456 Bluebird
P.O. Box 8051
Lantana, FL 33465
Same ZipDownload List21 active companies have a 33465 zip code

Agent Address

Address2112 S.W. 56th Avenue
Hollywood, FL 33023