JDD Radio, LLC is an active Floridian business entity incorporated 20th February 2023. Dean Freeman acts as the agent for this company. The last filed document (Annual Report) for this company was 18th February 2024. Dean H Freeman is the only officer of this company.

Company Data

Company NameJDD Radio, LLC
Company AgentFreeman, Dean
Company StatusActive
Date Filed20 February 2023 (2 years, 1 month ago)
Entity NumberL23000089935
FEI/EIN Number92-3049008
Entity TypeFlorida Limited Liability Company


MGRFreeman, Dean H

Principal Address

Address5 Harvard Circle
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
Same ZipDownload List6,260 active companies have a 33409 zip code

Filing History

18 February 2024Annual Report
20 February 2023Florida Limited Liability