Amazing Logistics Services LLC is an active Floridian business entity incorporated 16th November 2023. Braulio Rodriguez acts as the agent for this company. The last filed document (Annual Report) for this company was 29th April 2024. Braulio Rodriguez, Giselle Joves Pappaterra and Minerva Pappaterra are officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameAmazing Logistics Services LLC
Company AgentRodriguez, Braulio
Company StatusActive
Date Filed16 November 2023 (1 year, 1 month ago)
Entity NumberL23000518191
FEI/EIN Number93-4524785
Entity TypeFlorida Limited Liability Company


MGRRodriguez, Braulio
13835 Red Mangrove Dr.
Orlando, FL 32828
MGRJoves Pappaterra, Giselle
13835 Red Mangrove Dr.
Orlando, FL 32828
MGRPappaterra, Minerva
424 Chapel Trace Drive
Orlando, FL 32807

Principal Address

Address3564 Avalon Park E Blvd
Orlando, FL 32828
Same ZipDownload List6,898 active companies have a 32828 zip code

Agent Address

Address13835 Red Mangrover Dr
Orlando, FL 32828

Filing History

29 April 2024Annual Report
16 November 2023Florida Limited Liability