AJB Media, LLC is an active Floridian business entity incorporated 16th November 2023. Jeffrey E Berg acts as the agent for this company. The last filed document (Annual Report) for this company was 3rd April 2024. Aidan J Berg, Jeffrey E Berg and Tracy L Berg are officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameAJB Media, LLC
Company AgentBerg, Jeffrey E
Company StatusActive
Date Filed16 November 2023 (1 year, 1 month ago)
Entity NumberL23000518592
FEI/EIN Number93-4967696
Entity TypeFlorida Limited Liability Company


MGRBerg, Aidan J
19411 Sweet Grass Way,
Lutz, FL 33558
MGRBerg, Jeffrey E
19411 Sweet Grass Way,
Lutz, FL 33558
MGRBerg, Tracy L
19411 Sweet Grass Way,
Lutz, FL 33558

Principal Address

Address19411 Sweet Grass Way
Lutz, FL 33558
Same ZipDownload List3,411 active companies have a 33558 zip code

Filing History

3 April 2024Annual Report
16 November 2023Florida Limited Liability