Bonilla Fresh Paint L.L.C is an active Floridian business entity incorporated 8th August 2024. Lazaro Bonilla Pineda acts as the agent for this company. Lazaro Bonilla Pineda and Baudilia Hernandez Pineda are officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameBonilla Fresh Paint L.L.C
Company AgentBonilla Pineda, Lazaro
Company StatusActive
Date Filed8 August 2024 (4 months, 3 weeks ago)
Entity NumberL24000340171
Entity TypeFlorida Limited Liability Company


MGRBonilla Pineda, Lazaro
103 Jackson St
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
MGRHernandez Pineda, Baudilia
441Racetrack Rd N.W Lot 48
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547

Principal Address

Address103 Jackson St
Lot 19
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
Same ZipDownload List3,689 active companies have a 32547 zip code

Filing History

8 August 2024Florida Limited Liability