Snap Tpa LLC is an active Floridian business entity incorporated 20th November 2023. Denise Herrick acts as the agent for this company. Drp Associates Llc, Kosh Capital Llc, William G Parker and 2 others are officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameSnap Tpa LLC
Company AgentHerrick, Denise
Company StatusActive
Date Filed20 November 2023 (1 year, 1 month ago)
Entity NumberM23000014794
Entity TypeForeign Limited Liability Company


MBRDrp Associates Llc
725 Belvidere Ave.
Westfield, NJ 07090
MBRKosh Capital Llc
407 Park Ave. S, Apt. 14E
New York, NY 10016
MGRParker, William G
MBRFiduciary Plan Partners Llc
579 Raritan Rd., #206
Roselle, NJ 07203
MBRWg Parker Trading Llc
44 Brook Ter.
Wayne, NJ 07470

Principal Address

Address174 Nassau St., Ste. 305
Princeton, NJ 08542

Agent Address

Address595 Hollow Ridge Rd.
Palm Harbor, FL 34683

Filing History

20 November 2023Foreign Limited