Gratitude Strenght & Wellness, LLC is an active Floridian business entity incorporated 12th August 2024. Shayan Manesh acts as the agent for this company. Shayan Manesh, Shayan Manesh, Shayan Manesh and 3 others are officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameGratitude Strenght & Wellness, LLC
Company AgentManesh, Shayan
Company StatusActive
Date Filed12 August 2024 (7 months, 2 weeks ago)
Entity NumberM24000010274
FEI/EIN Number99-4347918
Entity TypeForeign Limited Liability Company


MGRManesh, Shayan
MBRManesh, Shayan
APManesh, Shayan
MGRDanesh, Mehdi
MBRDanesh, Mehdi
APDanesh, Mehdi

Principal Address

Address3811 Shipping Ave., Apt. 1702
Miami, FL 33146
Same ZipDownload List6,643 active companies have a 33146 zip code