Operation Solid 7, Inc. is an active Floridian business entity incorporated 1st April 2024. Shannon Mesenburg acts as the agent for this non-profit. Mitchell Mesenburg, Shannon Mesenburg, Amy Vogel and 2 others are officers of this non-profit.

Non-Profit Data

Non-Profit NameOperation Solid 7, Inc.
Non-Profit AgentMesenburg, Shannon
Non-Profit StatusActive
Date Filed1 April 2024 (11 months, 2 weeks ago)
Entity NumberN24000004069
Entity TypeFlorida Not For Profit Corporation


PRESMesenburg, Mitchell
TRESMesenburg, Shannon
SECVogel, Amy
MBRFile, Tony
MBRIde, Peter

Principal Address

Address8152 Wiltshire Drive
Port Charlotte, FL 33981
Same ZipDownload List1,446 active companies have a 33981 zip code

Filing History

1 April 2024Domestic Non-Profit