H2 Construction Clean-Up Services, Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 5th January 2006. Pamela L Hall is listed as the agent for this company. The last filing (Admin Dissolution For Annual Report) for this company was 25th September 2009. Pamela L Hall, Tara L Willis and George G Morris were officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameH2 Construction Clean-Up Services, Inc.
Company AgentHall, Pamela L
Company StatusInactive
Date Filed5 January 2006 (18 years, 12 months ago)
Entity NumberP06000002425
FEI/EIN Number56-2556126
Entity TypeFlorida Profit Corporation

Last Event

DescriptionAdmin Dissolution For Annual Report
Date Filed25 September 2009 (15 years, 3 months ago)


PHall, Pamela L
VPWillis, Tara L
TMorris, George G

Principal Address

Address9213 Madison Ave
Jacksonville, FL 32208
Same ZipDownload List2,609 active companies have a 32208 zip code

Filing History

30 April 2008Annual Report
27 April 2007Annual Report
5 January 2006Domestic Profit