K2 Equity, Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 9th July 2012. Matthew Bell is listed as the agent for this company. The last filing (Voluntary Dissolution) for this company was 18th July 2013. Mike Freeman, Kimberly Warren and Mark Chapman were officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameK2 Equity, Inc.
Company AgentBell, Matthew
Company StatusInactive
Date Filed9 July 2012 (12 years, 8 months ago)
Entity NumberP12000060359
Entity TypeFlorida Profit Corporation

Last Event

DescriptionVoluntary Dissolution
Date Filed18 July 2013 (11 years, 8 months ago)


P DFreeman, Mike
204-1440 52nd St., Ne, Ste 211, Calgary
Alberta, Canada T2A 4T8, Xx Xx Xx
VP DWarren, Kimberly
204-1440 52nd St., Ne, Ste 211, Calgary
Alberta, Canada T2A 4T8, Xx Xx Xx
VP DChapman, Mark
100-1300 18th St., Suite 114 Brandon
Mb, Canada R7A 6X1, Xx Xx Xx

Principal Address

Address424 E. Central Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32801
Same ZipDownload List11,357 active companies have a 32801 zip code

Agent Address

Address109 Ambersweet Way
Davenport, FL 33897

Mailing Address

Address204, 1440 52nd Street, N.E., Suite 211
Calgary, Ab Canada T2A 4T8
Xx, Xx Xx Xx

Filing History

18 July 2013Voluntary Dissolution
9 July 2012Domestic Profit