I.F.P. (Nevada) Inc. is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 2nd November 1988. The last filing (Withdrawal) for this company was 29th March 1996. John R Flavin, Gary A Robinson, Richard A Wright and 3 others were officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameI.F.P. (Nevada) Inc.
Company StatusInactive
Date Filed2 November 1988 (36 years, 2 months ago)
Entity NumberP21601
FEI/EIN Number88-0237989
Entity TypeForeign Profit Corporation

Last Event

Date Filed29 March 1996 (28 years, 9 months ago)


PDFlavin, John R
1701 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. #1050
Washington, D.
STRobinson, Gary A
1701 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., #1050
Washington, D.
SRVWright, Richard A
100 Pine Street, #3200
San Francisco, CA
CDelmotte, Daryl
1040 W. Georgia Street, #2100
Vancouver, B.
VPOlson, David E
100 Pine Street
San Francisco, CA
DAbelmann, William J
100 Pine Street, #3200
San Francisco, CA

Principal Address

Address1701 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Suite 1050
Washington, Dc 20006

Filing History

3 April 1995Annual Report