Harvor Corp is an active Floridian business entity incorporated 8th August 2024. Ricardo Wellesley-Bourke acts as the agent for this company. Ricardo Wellesley-Bourke and Miguel Ochoa are officers of this company.

Company Data

Company NameHarvor Corp
Company AgentWellesley-Bourke, Ricardo
Company StatusActive
Date Filed8 August 2024 (7 months, 2 weeks ago)
Entity NumberP24000050990
FEI/EIN Number99-4353831
Entity TypeFlorida Profit Corporation


VPWellesley-Bourke, Ricardo
PRESOchoa, Miguel

Principal Address

Address170 20th Avenue Ne,
Naples, FL 34120
Same ZipDownload List6,951 active companies have a 34120 zip code