I2R Corporation is an inactive Floridian business entity incorporated 27th June 1994. Arland Mjr. McMullen is listed as the agent for this company. The last filing (Voluntary Dissolution) for this company was 2nd May 1996. Arland Mr McMullen was the only officer of this company.

Company Data

Company NameI2R Corporation
Company AgentMcMullen, Arland Mjr.
Company StatusInactive
Date Filed27 June 1994 (30 years, 8 months ago)
Entity NumberP94000047582
FEI/EIN Number59-3252256
Entity TypeFlorida Profit Corporation

Last Event

DescriptionVoluntary Dissolution
Date Filed2 May 1996 (28 years, 10 months ago)


PMcMullen, Arland Mr

Principal Address

Address4961 Eastway Drive
Apopka, FL 32712
Same ZipDownload List4,801 active companies have a 32712 zip code

Mailing Address

Address501 N. Orlando Ave. Ste. 313-160
Winter Park, FL 32789

Filing History

1 May 1995Annual Report